Candid Shiny Girls


59 thoughts on “sticky post

  1. Sir, may you kindly please post the SweetCreeps69 videos? You’re already a hero that helped me cum to dozens of candids. If you did this, you would further immortalize yourself as a candid god.

  2. thanks for the update guys, really appreciate all the hard work. happy new year, and thank you for everything that you provide. wish you all the best of everything moving forward into the future. peace.

  3. videos are not working today. Also wanted to say thanks to everyone who worked on putting this site together, truly a goldmine. you guys are the best

  4. Hi there, videos arent loading today. Appreciating everything you are doing tho!

  5. Love this site and all the hard work y’all have put in! Do you have Eagle Eye #143? Been looking for it forever now and can’t find it anywhere. Thanks!

  6. Been loving all the HD clips recently! Are you planning on posting HD voyeurcreep clips?

    Thank you for the consistent hard work, this site is legendary!

  7. I have a trade that you will be interested in but I couldn’t message on telegram

  8. Dude you can upload videos of fabians751?, there are hundreds of amateur groping videos lost on the net but they are a gem.

  9. Is candidshinytube website down it won’t let me view videos saying Something about 503 gateway idk

  10. The thumbnails in the voyeur category don’t work please fix it, it’s been like that for months.

  11. do you have vbbtls videos folder to dowload? he’s a legendary shooter…

  12. Can you guys let us like videos and save our liked videos and create playlists? That would be really helpful, thanks!

  13. Hello boss, could you re-up “candidbubbles 324 p2”. p1 and p3 are still up, but p2 is not working anymore.

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